The Narrative Art Show and Contest is being hosted by Dragon Art annually to celebrate children's book illustration. The general goal for artists is to show narrative and sequence in three or four images without text. We are modeling this contest after similar contests being put on by the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators and the Francelia Butler Conference put on by Hollins University. We encourage artists who participate in our show and contest to enter their pieces in other similar events. We will also have a sub category in the competition for a single stand alone narrative picture.
Children's book illustration is often excluded from fine art events and shows because the final picture is a print. In order to present in many fine art exhibits and shows you must submit a finished piece done with traditional mediums. While many children's book illustrators use traditional mediums. Some use digital media to "clean" or adjust their images, and some images are drawn digitally. This limits the chances for illustrators to display their work outside of their books.
Children's book illustrations are their own type of art and the rich variety of styles and mediums is something to celebrate. Please plan to attend the show during the Month of June at the Florence Event Center in Florence, Oregon.
For 2024: Artists must submit an application by May 19th.